Subject Re: [IBO] IB_SQL Script limit 64K
Author Marco Menardi <>
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 09:00 AM 22/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi, I can't enter long scripts in IB_SQL script form.
> >I've noticed that tha form (in IBF_Script) uses a TRichEdit, that has
> >a limit in the maximum lines allowed, while TMemo seems not (I've
> >tested both in a form, side by side, pasting a very long script. In
> >TRichEdit was truncated, in TMemo was not).
> >Is there any reason to use TRichEdit instead of TMemo?
> >If not it must be changed.
> Must?

Yes, must :) Why use a component that does not work instead of one
that works? Why on earth you prefer having a limit without ANY gain in
other aspects? I'm not english, and if "must" sounds rough change with
a better expression, but I'm sure you have got what I mean :)

> > If I want to run a script to build the database, it's too big for
> > TRichEdit.
> > Using IBO 4.2Ib, Win2K, D6.
> 64K is too long for one script. It will make it very hard to
> maintain. Also, I know there is an upper limit on the size of
script which
> ISQL will handle - I think it is probably lower than 64K. 40K seems to
> ring a bell...but a 40K script is too big for practical purposes as
> It is good practice to run a series of scripts, e.g.
> Script0: create the database, declare exceptions, domains, udfs and
> generators.
> Script1: declare tables and primary keys.
> Script2: triggers
> Script3: foreign keys, indexes
> Script4: stored procedures. I often do two scripts for SPs - one
for the
> lower-level procs, the next for the top-level ones.
> Script5: DML script for populating control tables.
> Script7: Drops, alters and recreates.

THIS solution is very hard to mantein! And you will get crazy for
dependencies when your table declaration or SP or Triggers or both
exceed 64K limits.
If I have to add a default to a field, I simply export metadata, edit
the script, then rebuild the database, and finally import the data
(IBPump). That's very easy and error free.

> If you want to end up with this running as if it were one script,
> an INPUT statement at the end of each script (except the last, of
> This sequence will take good care of most dependency situations but
you can
> vary your content and your includes to suit your specific database.
> Helen

INPUT? I will check FB documentation, thanks :)
Marco Menardi