Subject IBO and TMS grid / Intraweb
Author Guido Salvestroni
>Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 10:31:51 -0300
> From: Daniel Rail <daniel@...>
>Subject: Re: IBO and TMS grid / Intraweb
>At 19/09/2002 11:38 AM, you wrote:
> >Hello Jason,
> >
> >we're testing IBO 4.2.Hj with TMS Intraweb Pack for Delphi 7.
> >The dbGrid (TIWadvDbGrid), when inserting a record, gives
> >the "record not found" error - while the same example works
> >correctly with BDE or IBX.
>Do you have the KeyLinks property defined or the KeyLinksAutoDefine set to

AutoDefine. All by default.

>Does your dataset has a primary key? or a unique key?


Best regards,

Ing. Guido Salvestroni

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