Subject | Re: [IBO] Icons in TIB_Grid |
Author | |
Post date | 2002-09-20T14:14:13Z |
procedure TForm1.IB_Grid1CellGainFocus(Sender: TObject; ACol,
ARow: Integer);
if ACol=MyPicCol then sysutils.abort
Ale¹ Kahánek schrieb:
procedure TForm1.IB_Grid1CellGainFocus(Sender: TObject; ACol,
ARow: Integer);
if ACol=MyPicCol then sysutils.abort
Ale¹ Kahánek schrieb:
> Hi,
> someone can remember that I was asking about how to draw an icon to a
> TIB_Grid on the basis of information stored in certain TIB_Query column. The
> solution is very easy to implement, thanks to Harald Klomann and his demo.
> There is OnDrawCell event in which you can draw to the cell rectangle, icon
> or text or both. This works well, but when the user clicks into the cell and
> puts the grid into edit mode, the cell shows the original value and the icon
> is not painted.
> Example: suppose we have numbers stored in a db table which are indexes of
> the icons stored in the TImageList. We do the drawing of the appropriate
> icon in the grid, but after entering the mentioned edit mode the icon
> dissappears and the focused cell shows the index number. I tried to find any
> other event like "OnDrawEditCell" but with no succes. The existing
> OnDrawFocusedCell does not help in this situation.
> Do you have any idea?
> Thank you.
> Ales
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