Subject Re: [IBO] Connecting problems on Linux
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:53 AM 25-08-02 +0000, Richard Saegerde wrote:
>I can ping name and ping ip-address in both directions. As I said, I
>can connect with WISQL, IBExpert, and with all my apps, that don't
>use DML caching. I think DML caching needs a second connection, and
>this _second_ connection fails.

** Events ** use a second connection and DML caching uses events.

> > Good network infrastructure solves a multitude of problems.

>It's all right. In my case, it is not a production environment, it is
>my small test network (hostname resolution with hosts file). One
>desktop and one notebook, both with Win98 SE and Linux Suse 7.3 dual
>boot, connected over a hub.
>If I boot Win98 on both computers and use one as server and the other
>as client, all works OK.
>If I boot the desktop with Linux as server and the notebook with
>Win98 as client, it wotks OK, too.
>But notebook with Linux as server and desktop with Win98 as client
>have the problem described above.

Just to confirm, the only setup where DML Caching causes the client to fail
to connect is this one. DML Caching works otherwise?

>The BIG problem is: can I recomend my clients to move servers from
>W2K to Linux? Is this my "local" problem only, or is it a possible
>Firebird bug? (I hope it is my "local" problem <g>)

If it's any comfort, I have a WinNT client connecting happily with Firebird
1 SS on RedHat 7.2, with or without DML caching.

Yesterday in IB-support you eliminated the "wrong client" possibility.

It's clearly a configuration problem - something is missing from your Linux
server setup on the notebook. Could we get more information...
like - on your IB_Connection (just so we can see all the ducks)

1. What do have for the Server parameter?
2. What is your *exact* Path string?
3. What is your Protocol entry?
4. What PasswordStorage property are you using?

and, before you post back,

5. Confirm that your Linux server is not being seen from the Win98 client
as a Samba share, i.e. confirm that the Path string points to a location on
the server's own physical filesystem.
6. Examine your HOSTs entry on the Win98 client and tell us EXACTLY what
the server entry is there.
7. Check that the server entry is present in the /etc/hosts file (a Linux
server needs this as well if you aren't using DNS resolution)

In a Linux shell, do a
netstat -t to see whether the server is actually listening on port 3050
