Subject | IB_Grid .. determining FiledName from event IB_GridTitleClick |
Author | Adrian Wreyford |
Post date | 2002-08-18T21:06Z |
IB_GridTabDataTitleClick(Sender: TObject; ACol,
ARow: Integer; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState);
Acol has an integer value for the Column clicked.
How do I now get the Fieldname of the title column clicked, so that I can
sort the query on the specicif column clicked.
I See there is reference to TopSupportGrid in IB_Grid code?. TSGrid has a
specific property on heading click for doing this, but with Ib_components,
cant use classic Tdataset components, so now need to use IB_grid.
ARow: Integer; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState);
Acol has an integer value for the Column clicked.
How do I now get the Fieldname of the title column clicked, so that I can
sort the query on the specicif column clicked.
I See there is reference to TopSupportGrid in IB_Grid code?. TSGrid has a
specific property on heading click for doing this, but with Ib_components,
cant use classic Tdataset components, so now need to use IB_grid.