Subject Re: [IBO] ColumnAttributes and numeric conversion
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 03:54 PM 09-08-02 +0200, you wrote:
>i use FireBird, IBO v.4 with C++Builder 5.
>In FireBird i have defined a column (RENDITA_LIRE) as NUMERIC(15,0), then i
>need to convert this column as TIBOBCDField and not as TLargeint (the
>default of C++Builder).
>I have tried to set ColumnAttributes of Connection components (and also of
>TIBOTable components) with:
>but don't work.
>Then i have create a Domain (D_RENDITALIRE) as NUMERIC(15,0) and i have
>changed the columns definition and also the ColumnAttributes but when i add
>the column with the TIBOTable fields editor i continue to see a TLargeint
>fields type.
>What's wrong?

NUMERIC(15,0) is a 64-bit integer, so it is not compatible with a BCD
(which renders a scaled numeric with one to four places of precision).

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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