Subject Re: [IBO] Memory leak
Author Boris Schlüszler

Dennis McFall schrieb:
> I am losing several MB of memory (Task Manager MemUsage) every time I call
> Open with a TIB_Cursor. After I call Close, the MemUsage stays near its peak.
> Delphi 6 Pro, IBO 4.2 (IB_Connection, IB_Cursor), W2K (local/network, makes
> no difference):
> For example, if I add strings to a TStringList by alternately clicking
> ButtonSetList and ButtonFreeList, the MemUsage goes like this, which is as
> it should be (the actual code is just below the MemUsage listing):
> Base MemUsage: 10916
> SetList: MU = 11108
> FreeList: MU = 10916
> SetList: MU = 11108
> FreeList: MU = 10916
> SetList: MU = 11108
> FreeList: MU = 10916
> procedure TfrmMain.ButtonSetListClick(Sender: TObject);
> var n : integer;
> begin
> aList := TStringList.create;
> for n := 0 to 4678 do aList.Add('SomeFirst SomeLastName');
> end
> procedure TfrmMain.ButtonFreeListClick(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> aList.Clear;
> aList.Free;
> end;
> --------------------------------------
> But if I use a TIB_Cursor to select 4678 records, and alternately click
> ButtonSelectNames and ButtonFreeList, the MemUsage goes like
> this (MemUsage goes up by 9700KB on each execution of the select, and goes
> down 300KB when the stringlist is freed). The computer becomes unusable,
> and I have to reboot the application to release the memory:
> Base MemUsage: 11624
> SetList: MU = 23168
> FreeList: MU = 21100
> SetList: MU = 30828
> FreeList: MU = 30524
> SetList: MU = 40292
> FreeList: MU = 40140
> SetList: MU = 49840
> FreeList: MU = 49504
> procedure TfrmMain.ButtonSelectNamesClick(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> aList := TStringList.create;
> n := 0;
> with TIB_Cursor.create(nil) do try
> IB_Connection:=DModOne.Connection1;
> IB_Transaction:=DModOne.Transaction1;
> Open;
> if not eof then while not eof do begin
> aList.Add(Fields[0].AsString + ' ' + Fields[1].AsString );
> Next;
> end;
> finally
> Close;
> free;
> end;
> end;
> procedure TfrmMain.ButtonFreeListClick(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> aList.Clear;
> aList.Free;
> end;
> Is there some way to release a buffer somewhere, or what I am doing [wrong]
> to cause this memory loss problem? It is happening A LOT for me
> (everywhere I do a SELECT)....
> TIA,
> Dennis McFall
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