Subject RE: [IBO] Schema Cache
Author Ales Kahanek
I tried to make it work with relative, absolute and also blank
SchemaCacheDir property. But always no exception and always empty
TableNames. I use IBO 4.2 Hc, so maybe after upgrading to higher version
this could be working.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Vinkenoog [mailto:paulvink@...]
> Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [IBO] Schema Cache
> Hello Helen,
> > You need to create the local directory - the IB_Connection component
> > doesn't do, either create the directory as part of your
> > deployment process or have your app create it if it doesn't exist...
> I've just tried this out and the specified directory is created if it
> doesn't exist. This happens in TIB_SchemaCache.GetlocalFileName - it
> even creates an entire tree if necessary.
> So setting SchemaCacheDir to e.g.
> D:\path\to\existing\dir
> is fine of course - IBO only needs to create the subdir with
> the DB name.
> But also if you specify
> D:\existing\path\nonexisting_subdir
> ...IBO creates nonexisting_subdir on the fly as soon as it is needed,
> along with the DB subdir.
> And even
> D:\totally\nonexistent\directory\tree
> works like a charm. (Wow! Who needs mkdir if you have IBO? :-))
> Specifying a relative dir causes an exception though, not because of
> IBO itself, but because of the way ForceDirectories (which is called
> by TIB_SchemaCache.GetLocalFileName) works.
> All this using IBO 4.2.Hg on W2K.
> But I wonder if this has anything to do with Ales' problem, because if
> this relative directory creating goes wrong, you get exceptions, not
> just an empty TableNames. Unless of course you intercept exceptions
> using empty catch blocks.
> Ales, maybe you can try setting SchemaCacheDir to the empty string.
> This should always work. If it doesn't, you know the problem has
> nothing to do with local schema cache dirs/files.
> Oh, just thought of something else: if ForceDirectories fails
> e.g. because of directory permissions, it doesn't throw an exception
> but returns false. However, IBO doesn't check this return value, so in
> that case you might get a silent failure and an empty TableNames
> (haven't tried that one out though)
> HTH,
> Paul