Subject Re: [IBO] Creating a DataAware IB Component
Author Geoff Worboys
> Cannot load package IBO40VRT_D5. It contains unit 'IB_FIELDDATALINK'
> which is also contained in package MYPACKAGE.

> Any ideas why this is happening?

Your units of course need "uses" clauses. This causes delphi to
automatically include those units in your package - resulting in the
units appearing twice to the designer. To avoid this you need to add
requires clauses to your packages so that Delphi knows to link to the
ibo package libraries rather than statically linking the ibo units.

For example my Enh runtime package has

IBO40VRT_D5, // this is IBO
IBO40CRT_D5, // this is IBO
Enh20BRT_D5; // this is Enh, so you dont need this

My designtime package has...

Enh20IRT_D5, // this is Enh, so you dont need this
IBO40EDT_D5, // this is IBO
IBO40FRT_D5, // this is IBO
IBO40TRT_D5; // this is IBO

You may not need all the packages I show above.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing