Subject Re: [IBO] Firebird Remote / IBO
Author Artur Anjos

Yes, it's possible to do it.

Maybe you want to try ZeBeDee also. You can find some info about using
ZeBeDee with Firebird here:


PS: Este documento do ZeBeDee está disponivel tambem em português na
Comunidade Firebird de Lingua Portuguesa. Contacte-me se quiser mais

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Ivan" <mario@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:38 PM
Subject: [IBO] Firebird Remote / IBO

> I need to make a Delphi application to access firebird remotely .
> It's possible and secure to make it's with IBO / Firebird ?
> What are the components that I will use ?
> Thanks
> Mário Ivan