Subject Re: [IBO] rdb$db_key in a select
Author Burak OZLER
When I see DB_KEY on any query I add the major tables primary index fields to my
select statement then I get rid of the DB key...

My opinion is not to reference to DB_Key...

Good dayz..
----- Original Message -----
From: "stewartbourke" <stewartbourke@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 2:05 AM
Subject: [IBO] rdb$db_key in a select

> I have an iboquery, and I am trying to do something like:
> select rdb$db_key from products;
> If I put this sql into the query and execute it, if I try
> fieldbyname('rdb$db_key').AsString I get an exception saying the
> fieldname does nto exist
> Can I reference the rdb$db_key field in the IBOquery components? If
> so, could anybody give me an example of how I can do this?
> Thanks,
> Stewart Bourke
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