Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Grid and CurrentRowColor
Author Helmut Steinberger
Ciao Nicola,

you wrote:

>> I have set the CurrentRowColor of a TIB_Grid to clSilver, but when I
>> run the program the current row of my grid is always blue.
>> Can anyone help me?

If you have rowselect to true, the whole row is displayd in the color
which is used to display the selected cell.
If you set rowselect to false, the selected row is displayed in
currentrowcolor, except the selected cell, which is still displayed in
the color of the selected cell. I solved this problem, by overriding
the getcellprops method of the grid like this:

procedure trsib_grid.GetCellProps( ACol,
ARow : Longint;
AState : TGridDrawState;
var AColor : TColor;
AFont : TFont );

inherited GetCellProps(ACol, ARow, AState, AColor, AFont);
if gdfocused in astate then
acolor := currentrowcolor;
