Subject Closing a form with an IB_LookupCombo in Win98
Author Russell Belding
Hello team IBO

Perhaps asking this ill formed question will get some insight for me.
D6, IBO 4.2.Ha, (FB Server is FBSS1.0.0.796 on Linux SuSE 8.0 ..OR..
FB1.0.0.821 in Win2000). FB Client is .821
(I don't see any problems mixing these two versions of FB)

I am developing on a Win2000 box and the program in development runs OK on
Win2000, WinNT, WinXP. Testing on a Win98 (2nd Ed 4.10.2222 A) box yields a
GPF immediately after any one of a number of Delphi forms close. Each of the
Delphi forms uses one or many TIB_LookupCombos, either standing in a form or
embedded in an IB_Grid.

If immediately before closing a Delphi form with the problem I set
myIB_LookupCombo.enabled:=false, for each IB_LookupCombo, the problem goes
away. Just to be specific, this problem is not seen in WinNT, 2K or XP.

I have made a simple application with two IB_Querys an IB_Grid and an
IB_LookupCombo to reproduce the error. The simple program works fine, I
haven't yet reproduced the error in a simple form.

Anyone have a (constructive!) suggestion for me?


Russell Belding