Subject Search criteria
Author Aleš Kahánek
Hi All,
let me ask the following question:
Suppose you have a form with TIB_Grid and no other edit controls e.g.
TIB_Edit. The TIB_Query and TIB_DataSource components are on the same form.
Then you want to let the user to specify search criteria. When the dataset
is in dssSearch mode, user can specify search critera by means of TIB_Edit
(and other controls) but not by TIB_Grid.
I create a search form with appropriate TIB_Edits then I call the ShowModal
method of the form and the user can specify the search criteria there. All
works fine, but when invoking the form again, the last search criteria are
not indicated in the TIB_Edit controls (as they would have been indicated if
the controls would be in the same form as the TIB_Grid and TIB_DataSource).
Calling the TIB_Query.RecallLastSearch does'nt help.
Thanks, Ales