>From: "Santarelli Simone" <s.simone@...>
>Subject: [IBO] Visualization problem
>Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 09:34:37 +0200
>I ask you an answer for my problem if it is possible:
>I've the follow scenario,
>IBO pack 4.2.Ga, D5 Enterprise, IB6.01.
>I've several form, most of them are into packages that are load
>dynamically. My customer have a LAN with NT server, W98se client or W2000
>In the PC with W98se, the user after a few operation with our program in
>the form where we use many native IBO controls (such as TIB_Edit or
>TIB_LookupCombo), cannot see part of the data showed in these components.
>It seem like there was truncated strings.
>If the client running our programma is W2000 this problem not happen.
>Any suggestion?
>Thank you in advance
>Simone Santarelli