Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Grid Multi selection
Author Boris Schlüszler
It's in the TIB_Query-component:

Yu have the query and the grid.
In the grid you can select with Ctrl and Mouseclick.
Then you select the stuff like this:

Snipped somewhere off my code (Bookmarklist is a TStringList):

rg:=IB_Grid.DataSource.Dataset as TIB_Query;
with rg do begin
if not TestSelected(Bookmarklist) then Exit;

for i:=0 to Bookmarklist.Count-1 do begin
end {for};
end {with rg};

fabiobot schrieb:
> Hello,
> How do i work with multi selection in IB_Grid?
> I need to select records and read them one by one but i can't find
> AllowMultSelect property and TBookmarklist.