Subject TIB_StoredProc-results error
Author Boris Schlüszler

I'm using a TIB_StoredProc to manipulate some data.
ExecProc works fine, and the maniplulation is done.
But when I try to read the result field I get this error:

"SQLDA missing or incorrect version or incorrect number/type of

This error arises whenever the table, the SP is working on, is changed
by another SP.
So I suspect it to be a transaction problem.
In both TIB_StoredProcs "StoredProcHasDML" is set to True,
AutoDefineParams is False.

"Wrong version" means old version number of interbase versioning model,
I guess?

However, I don't know how avoid this error.
"Commit" doesn't help. "Refresh" doesn't help...

Any suggestions?

with AnlKtoSP do begin
ExecProc; // up to here everything's fine

EdKtoNameResult.Text:=FieldByName('RESNAME').AsString; // error!
