Subject [IBO] Re: Rounding problems
Author mmenaz
It could not be just a client mind problem. Here in Italy, for rounding calculation of tax, government adopted the round your client is requiring. This is because it's easy to understand, and you can perform it easily by mind. To be sincere, I thought it was the only right way to do rounding... before I sow Delphi Round() function.
So if I want to calculate something related to commercial issues (with VAT, tax, etc.) I must avoid Delphi round. It's not my customer's choice, it's a must!
Marco Menardi

--- In IBObjects@y..., "Pirtea Calin" <pcalin@r...> wrote:
> Thank you all.
> I'll try to explain the client why round works the way
> it works and maybe they will change their mind.
> --
> Best regards,
> Application Developer
> Pirtea Calin Iancu
> S.C. SoftScape S.R.L.
> pcalin@r...