Subject Antw: Re: [IBO] 4.2F tiboquery does not show the correct data in D5EP Grid ib_6.0.1
Author Uwe Cramer
my tib_database isolation value is tiCommitted
i change the tibotransaction isolation value from tiConcurrency to
and try and test this change later.
it looks like a result cache in the application when the same query
with the same sql-statement is closed and then open again.

>>> Luiz<cprmlao@...> 20.04.2002 18:43:14 >>>
It4s not clear the sufficient to me. I believe you have to check isolation
of the transaction(you could use tiCommited) and make a refresh after
the data.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Cramer" <uwe.cramer@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: [IBO] 4.2F tiboquery does not show the correct data in D5EP Grid

> Hello,
> when i use the query the first time i see correct data.
> then i close the query and change some values.
> i verify with ibexpert that data changes are in the table.
> everytime when i use the query after this i get the old
> and not the changed values from the table.
> if i close and start the aplication new the query works fine
> until values in the table are changed.
> Can anyone tell me whats going on?
> regards uwe

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