Subject | Re: [IBO] IBO Exception not caught?? |
Author | G. Allen Casteran |
Post date | 2002-04-18T16:36:49Z |
In the handled under "on E: Exception do" I stop in the debugger and check
E.ClassName and the debugger's Evaluate window reports it as TEdit?? What
is up with this??
At 01:54 AM 4/16/2002, you wrote:
In the handled under "on E: Exception do" I stop in the debugger and check
E.ClassName and the debugger's Evaluate window reports it as TEdit?? What
is up with this??
At 01:54 AM 4/16/2002, you wrote:
>I have a D6 proc that calls an IBO storedProc. If the SP fails I want to
>catch the exception.
>When I run this proc the exception can not be caught as an EIBO_ISCError.
>Only the generic exception handler gets run. I can trap the exception as
>generic exception in the "on e: Exception do" statement. but when I have
>"on E: EIBO_ISCError do" the exception does not get cuaght.
>In my first handler below I try to see ig the E IS an EIBO_ISCError and in
>the debugger that shows as TRUE when I hold the cursor over it, but the
>execution treats that statement as if it is false.
>Originally I just had the code after the except line, but I added the on E:
>Exception code to see what was happening in that case.
>Anyone have a good reason for an exception not getting caught??
>Here is the proc:
>procedure TBudgetTemplatesDataModule.CopySelectedTemplate(
> const aNewAbbrevName: String;
> const aNewTableName: String);
> var
> SP : TIB_StoredProc;
> ConstName : string;
> begin
> if (aNewTableName = '') or (aNewAbbrevName = '') then
> Raise Exception.Create('Abbrev and Template Name must be specified for
> SP := TIB_StoredProc.Create(Self);
> try
> try
> SP.DatabaseName := MainDatabaseName;
> SP.Prepare;
> SP.ParamByName('aSourceTemplateKey').AsInt64 :=
> SelectionDataCurrentKey;
> SP.ParamByName('aNewAbbrev').AsString := aNewAbbrevName;
> SP.ParamByName('aNewTableName').AsString := aNewTableName;
> SP.ExecProc;
> except
> on E: EIBO_ISCError do // This block never gets run.
> begin
> ConstName := GetContraintNameFromDBMsg(E.Message);
> if (ConstName = 'UC_BUDGTEMPL_ABBREVNAME') then
> E.Message := 'Abbrev Name must be unique within each lender.'
> else if (ConstName = 'IC_BUDGTEMPL_ABBREV') then
> E.Message := 'Abbrev Name must be assigned.'
> else if (ConstName = 'FK_BUDGTEMPLS_LENDERS') then
> E.Message := 'A valid lender must be assigned to this template.';
> Raise EIconDBException.Create(Str_FailCopyBudgetTemplate +
> E.Message);
> end;
> on E: Exception do // exception handling ALWAYS hits here.
> begin
> if (E IS EIBO_ISCError) then // this is TRUE when inspected in
>the debugger
> begin // Code in this block
>never runs
> with EIBO_ISCError(E) do // even though E *IS* a EIBO_ISCError
> begin
> ConstName := GetContraintNameFromDBMsg(Message);
> if (ConstName = 'UC_BUDGTEMPL_ABBREVNAME') then
> Message := 'Abbrev Name must be unique within each lender.'
> else if (ConstName = 'IC_BUDGTEMPL_ABBREV') then
> Message := 'Abbrev Name must be assigned.'
> else if (ConstName = 'FK_BUDGTEMPLS_LENDERS') then
> Message := 'A valid lender must be assigned to this
> template.';
> Raise EIconDBException.Create(Str_FailCopyBudgetTemplate +
> end;
> end
> else
> Raise EIconDBException.Create(Str_FailCopyBudgetTemplate +
>E.Message); // t
> end;
> end;
> finally
> SP.Free;
> end;
> end;
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