Subject [IBO] Re: Framed Edit controls?
Author mmenaz
--- In IBObjects@y..., "Paul Gallagher" <paul@t...> wrote:
> Marco,
> I partially disagree with you. Color is a tool that should be used. It
> should not be a distraction, but it should be something that can help a user
> identify something quickly.

Sure, I don't tell you that color are bad, is a "aesthetic" use of it, like it seems to become more and more common, that I disapprove.

> For example, I have an app that I am working on
> that has several data-entry modules that are quite similar. I use a
> different pastel color for the background for each, so that the user does
> not get confused.

Sounds good.

> As far as the flat button styles, I don't really like them either. The
> office 2000 style buttons that change color when the mouse is dragged over
> are good. It gives the user a positive feedback that the button is a button.

Really funny. You make the button not look like a button (flat), and then you have to invent something to give the user a feedback that he is on a button! And count that with a no flat button, I know EXACTLY where to move the mouse at the very start, with those flat one I have a "not well defined" area, so I need the visual feedback you are telling about when I'm on that area. SO BAD!
Of course we can talk about that for centuries... ;)

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I've found his books very very interesting and.. fundamental. They have changed the way I look at programs (and tecnology devices in general).
Marco Menardi