Subject Re: [IBO] Re: TIBOQuery refresh problem
Author Luiz

Days ago, I had a case where I could reproduce the problem. Now, I am not
able to reproduce it.
In this special app, I am using both tibo_xxx and tib_xxx components because
I need to use third components. Personally, I don't like to work with IBO
Dataset derived components since as they are limited in relation to IBO
native comp.
I'm sure to be perfectly correct reference fields on event OnPrepareSQL.
I have used it, exaustly, without problems with IBO native comp, and with
TIBO comp i think there is no difference in this point.
Now, I am searching a case where I can repeat the problem.

Thanks anyway,


----- Original Message -----
From: "mmenaz" <mmenaz@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: [IBO] Re: TIBOQuery refresh problem

> I use native IBO components, not TDataset one, but I think that the
situation is the same.
> In OnPrepareSql event, the query is being prepared, so I think that you
can't reference it's fields here, since have been destoyed and will be
rebuild after the prepare. This event is intended for refining the SQL where
(using something like SQLWhereItems.Add( 'SALARY>200' ).
> When you call "Refresh", you unprepare/prepare the query, if already open,
so you will go through the OnPrepareSQL event, where you generate the error.
> Hope this will point you torward the right direction. If I'm complitely
wrong, apologise.
> Regards
> Marco Menardi
> btw, advice: go to native components if you can ;)
> --- In IBObjects@y..., "Luiz" <cprmlao@i...> wrote:
> > Using a TIBOQuery, if I have some code on event OnPrepareSql making
> > reference to fields, and in a TButton event, i code TIBOQuery1.Refresh
> > without to call TIBOQuery.InvalidateSql before, I get an error saying
> > XXXX not found'.
> >
> > This error appears also when I have a navigator bar and click on Refresh
> > Button.
> >
> > Does someone can reproduce the same problem?
> >
> > PS: IBO4.2Gc and D6.
> >
> > Luiz.