Subject Re: [IBO] Modify an operation of the IB_UPDATEBAR
Author H.Klomann
Hi José,

> If I wan't avoid insert duplicate records if the user go to the '+'
> button of the IB_UpdateBar1, how I have to proceed to avoid for
> example the duplicate primary key message?

Proceed like this :

procedure TForm1.IB_Query1BeforePost(IB_Dataset: TIB_Dataset);
if IB_Dataset.State=dssInsert then begin
// check your keys here, call Sysutils.Abort here if necessary


pepmallorca schrieb:

> Hallo:
> Thank you Harald,
> the IB_UpdateBar1.FocusedButton with ubDelete to avoid delete in some
> situations works ok !!!
> Another similar question:
> If I wan't avoid insert duplicate records if the user go to the '+'
> button of the IB_UpdateBar1, how I have to proceed to avoid for
> example the duplicate primary key message?
> I know exists the ubEdit, ubInsert, ubPost, but when I go to the '+'
> button, the ubInsert knows the old value (a blank record)... and it's
> no necessary the user go to the post button (for example if he goes
> to the next record but the cursor)
> The same case occurs when the user modify a record in the IB_Grid.
> Someone know how can I solve it?
> Thank you,
> José,
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