Subject Re: [IBO] Using Domains In Foreign Keys
Author Bill Gage
Thanks for the response. I convinced myself that fields that use domains as
their definitions could not be used in a foreign key reference with
cascading updates. I am still smaking my head for this. Oh well you live
and you learn.


"Geoff Worboys" <geoff@...> wrote in message
> > Quoted from DataDefinition guide for interbase page 79.
> > "Note You cannot apply referential integrity constraints to a
> > domain."
> > Has this been resolved?
> I dont believe there is anything to resolve. My understanding of this
> sentence is that you cannot setup a foreign key that refers to a
> domain definition - and would therefore presumably apply to all
> fields that are defined using that domain. Foreign key references are
> always to particular table/field(s).
> To me this is logical and expected, it would never have occured to me
> to try and define a foreign key constraint against a domain
> definition. My databases use domains almost exclusively for all field
> definitions, which mean that almost all my foreign key declarations
> refer to fields that were defined via domain - I have no problems in
> this regard.
> If the first paragraph describes functionality that you desire then I
> suggest looking at the firebird/ibphoenix websites for more
> information, or post this question to the appropriate firebird
> development list.
> --
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
> IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or
> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
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