Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Column.GetAsVariant inconsistent return value if Null
Author Jason Wharton
I'm going to try and release it doing exactly what it should here and we
will have to see where problems pop up.
The next sub-release will be TEST.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "mmenaz" <mmenaz@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: [IBO] TIB_Column.GetAsVariant inconsistent return value if Null

> Patching FastReport IBO part, I've discovered something seems a bad
behaviour of IBO, since the code behaves differently from the
> couterpart VCL (and also differs from logic!)
> If I've a field that is NULL (SQL null, I mean), reading it AsVariant
returns a Unassigned variant instead of a varNull.
> Unassigned means that the variant WAS NOT ASSIGNED, while varNull means
that contains the ASSIGNED null value.
> Here the code:
> IBAColumn.IMP
> function TIB_Column.GetAsVariant: Variant;
> begin
> Result := Unassigned;
> if not IsNull then
> case SQLType of
> ...
> end;
> should become
> begin
> Result := Unassigned;
> if not IsNull then
> begin
> case SQLType of
> ...
> end;
> end
> else
> Result := varNull;
> I've tried tha patch, but there are a lot of problems, since I think that
IBO in many places relies upon this strange return value (i.e. maste detail
relation stops working, if I recall correctly).
> So only Jason can make this work properly...
> Thanks
> Marco Menardi