Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOstoredProc 4.2Fp params don´t work whe n executing many times
Author Burak ÖZLER
which IB/FB version do you use?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Cramer" <uwe.cramer@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: [IBO] TIBOstoredProc 4.2Fp params don´t work when executing many

> Hello,
> i use the component to get print nummbers for some modules
> when i do this the first time all works fine.
> but all following calls with different input-params don´t work correctly
> and gives results like unchanged paramvalues from the first call.
> thanks Uwe
> two exsamples.
> DELTA_NR is used to inc the generator with 0 1 10 etc.
> when DELTA_NR := 0 for the first time, the result is generator value
> inc
> all following calls with DELTA_NR := 1 or := 10 etc gives the same results
> as 0
> when DELTA_NR := 1 for the first time, the result is generator value with
> inc(1)
> all following calls with DELTA_NR := 0 or := 10 etc gives the same results
> as 1
> procedure TPar.getPrintNr(var edit : TadvEdit;
> const delta, min, max : integer);
> begin
> get_print_nr.ParamByName('PAR_NAME').asString :=
> ;
> get_print_nr.ParamByName('MIN_NR').asInteger := min ;
> get_print_nr.ParamByName('MAX_NR').asInteger := max ;
> get_print_nr.ParamByName('DELTA_NR').asInteger := delta ;
> get_print_nr.Prepare;
> get_print_nr.ExecProc;
> edit.intValue := get_print_nr.parambyName('PRINT_NR').asInteger;
> get_print_nr.UnPrepare;
> end;
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