Subject Re: [IBO] IBO 4.2Ga, TIB_ColumnComp, TIB_ColumnCurr
Author Svein Erling Tysvær
Registered users have been given an address where you one can download,
and until otherwise notified this address contains all releases and
subreleases. Go to the same place where you downloaded IBO when you
registered, download and install (after unistalling). One thing to
remember is that you first unzip the main version (in your case 4.2G),
and on top of that the subrelease (4.2Ga) before installing.

There should be no message about trial/registration with these files.

It is not possible to download the knowledgebase - I don't know why.


osendej wrote:
> Hello, everybody !
> I'm a registered user od IBO, and I'd like
> to know whether I have the right to download and
> use the new release IBO 4.2Ga. If the answer is Yes,
> where can I find it and how to install it avoiding
> the message about trial/registration ?
> I've tried to install the IB_PipeLine component and
> it's complaining about missing declaration of
> TIB_ColumComp and TIB_ColumnCurr. Could someone help ?
> In an earlier message, I've asked whether is possible
> to download the knowledgebase to read it offline and
> have not got any answer. Is it possible ?