Subject Re: [IBO] TIB vs. TIBO
Author GK
>> One small improvement which would make a very big difference would be a vertical line seperating the week numbers from the date. Right now it is difficult to
>> make out which are the week number and which are the dates.
>Done. I've just sent the patch to Jason. The improvements are:
>- added a vertical line separating number of the week from the days of the calendar.
>- Added doBoldSaturday, doBoldSunday to display in boldface Sundays and/or Saturdays.
>- Day of the week now is 3 letters long.
>- Cells a bit wider to better accommodate bold fonts, number of the week and 3 letter name of the day.
>- Changed day and lines color to clNavy, today border to clRed (better contrast).


I am giving specifications for date picker which I wrote. (Not from Scratch, based on something that I downloaded from internet. It is much improved by me)
It is written in VB <gasp>
It may be unncessarily feature rich <g>.

Please have a look at it and decide what portions of the functionality you want to use for IB_datetimepicker.

From my experience I can tell if you, even if my users do not like my program they love my date time picker <g>

All my date entry screens have same attention to detail.

Assuming dd/mm/yyyy formatting

when typing into edit box after entering this if you click on tab

Space => Todays Date
8 => 8th of Current month
8 space 4 => 8th of 4th month of current year
+10 => 10 days from Today
+3w => 3 weeks from today
-5w => 5 weeks before today
-45 => 45 days before today.
21 Jul => 21/7 - ( for people like me who have trouble remembering that Jul is 7 )
l space Jul => Last day of july ( That is the letter L and then space and then July)
If date already exists and you press Del => Date is null date.

Alt + Down drops the calendar

When calendar is dropped down
right => next day
left => previous day
up => previous week
down => next week
Pgup => previous month
Pgdown => next month
Ctrl Page up => Previous year
Ctrl Page Down => next year
Home => 1st of current month
End => last day of current month
Ctrl Home => 1st day of current year
Ctrl End => last of current year

When Calendar is displayed
User can click on month and drop down of months will appear and he can choose month
User can click on year and drop down of year will appear and he can choose year.

Whenever control loses focus for a few seconds the Day of week will be displayed as a tool tip.

You can Choose what is the first day of the week. That means if you say Saturday is first day of week. It will display like that. This is needed in certain Middle
Eastern countries.

You can define which days of the week are weekly holidays (e.g. Sunday, Satruday and Sunday, Thursday and Friday) and you can also define specific holidays
for e.g. 25th December 2002 = Christmas. These dates will be shown in different color in drop down calendar. (Bold is Ok i Guess)

If user chooses a date by typing (Not when choosing form drop down) for e.g. typing 7 Sep or +35 or 25 12

if date happens to be weekly holiday or holiday. tooltip will show
"25/12/2002, Wed is Christmas Hit N if you want to reenter date"
or "7/09/2002, Sat is weekly holiday. Hit N if you want to reenter date"
This tooltip (it is actually a small form will retain focus and if user presses N focus is returned to date field any other key will take him to next field.

It does more u can set it to week mode or period mode, but that is very specific requirements in manufacturing shop floors and other scheduling program so we will
not go into those details.
Also the colors used are very pleasing to the eye. If you are interested let me i will upload the program to yahoogroups files area and you can install on your
machine this VB Date picker and see how it works.
