Subject Re: [IBO] How to react on a DMLCache-Update
Author Jason Wharton
I said, it isn't Events (the kind that are published) that you are looking
Look at the TIB_DataLink component and for the methods where certain
messages are passed along. One of the parameters is Info: longint.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: <guido.klapperich@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] How to react on a DMLCache-Update

> Here's the constructor of TIB_CustomGrid:
> constructor TIB_CustomGrid.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
> begin
> FIB_DataLink := TIB_CustomGridLink.Create( Self );
> inherited Create( AOwner );
> ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [ csAcceptsControls ];
> VirtualView := true;
> DefaultDrawing := false;
> DataLink.FIB_Grid := Self;
> DataLink.Control := Self;
> DataLink.OnStateChanged := StateChanged; <----
> DataLink.OnLayoutChanged := LayoutChange; <----
> DataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange; <----
> DataLink.OnUpdateData := UpdateData; <----
> DataLink.AfterAssignment := IB_AfterAssignment;
> ...
> end;
> There are only the 4 marked events, that the IB_Grid reacts on. I have
tried all
> of them, but no one fires.
> Perhaps you can point me to fifth hiden event I don't see.
> Guido