Subject Re: [IBO] Trying to report using QuickReport and IBOQuery
Author Lucas Franzen
Are you by any chance using Win 2000?

If so:
As far as I can remember there was a problem with the temp-Path under
win2k and QuickReport. QR defines the temp path as a string[255], but
win2000 managed it to create you a temp path that's exceeding this limit
(maybe XP will do it the same way).
Go ahead and change the path to a simple "C:\temp" and see if this makes
things working again.



ecereijo@... schrieb:
> Hello
> I am stuck again. I have a little application on Interbase 5,
> IB_Object 4.2 Fn and Delphi 4 C/S. I have a simple report of a table
> using an IBOQuery for feeding QuickReport.
> The aplication is working in a "minimal" network; only two PC's linked
> directly with ethernet cards, with no hub.
> If I use the application using TIBODatabase.Protocol cpTCP_IP, the
> report works fine. However, if I use cpLocal I receive an error
> "Raised exception class EFCreateError with message 'Cannot create
> file...' ", and three little boxes as the name of the file.
> Can anybody help me?
> Thank you.
> If I use de aplication using
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