Subject Re: [IBO] Refreshing a IBODataset
Author Luiz
From: "G. Allen Casteran" <allen@...>
Subject: Re: [IBO] Refreshing a IBODataset

> Luiz,
> Do you have an OnPrepareSQL event linked to the dataset??
Yes, I do.

> Are you watching to see if your AV occurs in there??
Yes, It occur when scrolling the grid.

> Perhaps you are doing something in that event handler to reference an
> invalid variable.
No, I'm not doing it.

> If you do not have an OnPrepareSQL event then I do not see the need to
> InvalidateSQL to do the refresh.
I have one.

This is a bug, and I sended to Jason a demo reporting it.
The problem is IBODataset is calling Refresh method of TDataset.
I suggest IBODataset have your own refresh method.
I tried implement it, but I don't achieve. I hope Jason can look at this
problem if have any time.
