Subject IBObjects review
Author Rade Vojvodic
Hi All,

I've been using IBObjects for a couple of years by now and I made some good
looking applications with this set of components. People who used these
applications are very satisfied as well as I. That is the reason why I can
say that this is one of the best component sets that I've used in past few
So, I think that we should do as much as we can to improve it the best we
can. In my opinion the best way to go from here is to look back and make a
review of what is achieved by now and then to decide where to go from here.
It would be good thing to make some categories (interface, functionality,
etc.) to see where these improvement should be made. Anyone in the group
could make list of things that could be changed (with an opinion why someone
think that a particulare change would be an improvement) and after
completing that list it should be reviewed by Jason to hear his opinion of
possible changes (maybe even some directions where to start for each of
them). The list at least would help Jason do decide which direction he
should take in further development.

Jason, please give me Your opinion on this idea.