Subject Re: [IBO] IBO + Firebird + MIDAS recommendations
Author Damian Dowling
At 08:02 17/12/2002, you wrote:
>We are converting a 2-tier project that worked flawless with IBO to 3-
>tier. The options at the moment are MIDAS and DbOvernet. For both I have
>a basic framework ready.
>Furthermore I am still using IBO3 but thinking about going to IBO4
>Any suggestions and past experiences are welcome
>Paul Sjoerdsma

I have never used MIDAS, but have you considered ASTA
( I haven't used it for commercial
software yet, but i have tested it and it looks very promising. You also
don't need Delphi Enterprise, they have a new Cross Platform Version, and
it is cheaper than MIDAS.

Also i would switch to IBO4 if it is reasonable to do so.


Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd

Phone: + 353 69 20200
Fax: + 353 69 20201
Email: damian-dowling@...