Subject Re: [IBO] For UPDATE clause?
Author Christian Gütter
Hi Alan and Norman,

> Basically, this command allows you to make sure that all the
> rows you wish
> to update are available and unlocked. I'm sure that if
> Firebrid does it
> differently, I'll be corrected :o)

AFAIK, there is no row locking when you execute
a "SELECT FOR UPDATE" in IB and FB. They both do
some kind of "optimistic locking". This is also
why you have to do a dummy update to lock a row.

Row locking using a
"SELECT <...> [FOR UPDATE [OF col [, col ...]] [WITH LOCK]]"
has been implemented into Firebird 1.5 by a Russian developer,
but up to now, there are only alpha versions of FB 1.5

So I'm quite sure that this command cannot be used to
lock rows in FB 1.0. Anyway, I cannot tell you which
purpose this command serves, because I have never used

Perhaps some other list member can shed some light
on this.

