Subject Unable to connect from XP IB_SQL to a databse on Linux
Author oneappu
Hi i am unable to connect to a database on a Linux server with the
following entries in IB_SQL

Database //TLCL/opt/interbase/dbdata/X.fdb
User Name SYSDBA
Password xxxxxx
Char SET WIN1252
SQL Role Administrator
SQL Dialect 3

The error code is ISC Error Code 335544721
Unable to complete network request to host TLCL Failed to Establish
connection. The network path was not found.

I tried IBAccess with the following entries and was successfull
Server TLCL
Database /opt/interbase/dbdata/X.fdb
User Name SYSDBA
Char SET WIN1252
Role Administrator
SQL Dialect 3
Protocol TCP/IP

Please help
