Subject Connecting an TIB_Connection on RemoteDatamodule stop before connect
Author davissammybr
I need connect and set the properties to a TIB_COnnection on a
RemoteDatamodule for a client connection.

Im using the following code at onCreate of remotedatamodule and
beforeconnect of TIB_Connection.

//OnCreate of my remotedamodule

//It call the beforeconnect of TIB_Connection

//OnBeforeConnect of my TIB_Connection
TIB_Connection.PasswordStorage := psNotSecure;
TIB_Connection.Username := 'sysdba';
TIB_Connection.Password := 'masterkey';
TIB_Connection.Path := 'MYPATH\MYFILE.GDB';

My server appication stop before connect to TIB_Connection.
Where is wrong?

Thanks all.