Subject Re: [IBO] Why subreleases are not first announced here?
Author Geoff Worboys
> I announce them on the list when an issue brought up here is
> resolved by it. There is no need to discuss that particular
> sub-release here.


To be perfectly honest I agree with Marco. A brief post announcing
new releases, even sub-releases, is a good idea. Indeed I am still
a member of the IBO-announcements listgroup (along with 788 others)
for which there are no messages at all.

Whether announcements are made to IBO-announcements or this list
I dont really care, but I think you do need to acknowledge that
some people join these lists specifically to receive information
that may be relevant to them, which is one of the reasons there
are so many members and so few active participants.

The added advantage of such announcements is that those in a
position to test the changes straight away can do so, hopefully
highlighting any potential problems sooner rather than later.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing