Subject Re: [IBO] Prepare causes EAcessViolation...
Author Jason Wharton
Get the latest version of IBO, there was an issue I fixed.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

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-- But together we have it all --

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eduardo Jedliczka" <eduardo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 5:26 AM
Subject: [IBO] Prepare causes EAcessViolation...

> Borland Delphi 6, FireBird 1.0.821, IBO 4.2Hh
> I have a report query! I use that in all reports im my project. I clear
> IB_Query and construct the select, prepare, pass parameters, use the data,
> unprepare, close, and clear again... All time it´s perfect. But some days
> ago, I have a little trouble:
> This (below) Query show a wrong quantity of parameters. ( It works for
> than 4 months... but not work more! ).
> Select CodConta,Reduzido,Nome,
> (Select Sum(Valor) From Co_Lct where Debito= P.Reduzido and
> Data<:DataInicial and CodFilial>=0 and CodEmpresa=:CodEmpresa ) as
> DebitoAnterior,
> (Select Sum(Valor) From Co_Lct where Credito=P.Reduzido And
> Data<:DataInicial and CodFilial>=0 and CodEmpresa=:CodEmpresa ) as
> CreditoAnterior,
> (Select Sum(Valor) From Co_Lct where Debito=P.Reduzido and
> Data>=:DataInicial and Data<=:DataFinal and CodFilial>=0 and
> CodEmpresa=:CodEmpresa ) as DebitoPeriodo,
> (Select Sum(Valor) From Co_Lct where Credito=P.Reduzido and
> Data>=:DataInicial and Data<=:DataFinal and CodFilial>=0 and
> CodEmpresa=:CodEmpresa ) as CreditoPeriodo
> >From Co_Pct P
> Where NumPlano=:NumPlano and (CodConta starting with :BuscaConta1)
> Order By 1
> Found only NumPlano and BuscaConta1 parameters, all others parameters are
> not found!
> I change the status of:
> KeyLinks.Clear;
> KeyLinksAutoDefine := false;
> FetchWoleRows := false;
> And when I do :
> If not Qy_Report.Prepared then
> Qy_report.Prepare; <<<<< EAcessViolation in xxxx.exe addres
> ffff:ffffff...
> Any Idea ???
> ==============================
> Eduardo Jedliczka
> GeraSoft Informática
> Apucarana - PR - Brasil
> ==============================