Subject | Re: [IBO] Integer Overflows |
Author | Jason Wharton |
Post date | 2002-01-31T18:17:42Z |
How splendid!
I'll do a sub-release today.
Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ
I'll do a sub-release today.
Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: <hans@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:26 AM
Subject: [IBO] Integer Overflows
> Hello Jason,
> Hope I'm not repeating this messages, but it looked like
> my messages have gone astray for a few days.
> I found a small problem in IB_NodeList, which creates pesky
> Integer Overflow errors in my tests.
> ===========================
> procedure TIB_NodeList.SetRefToPos( var ARef: TIB_NodeRef;
> const APos: longint;
> AllowFetches: boolean );
> function GetDif( const A, B: integer ): integer;
> begin
> try
> Result := A - B;
> except
> on E: EIntOverflow do
> Result := low( integer ); <---- -2147483648
> end;
> if Result = low( integer ) then
> Result := high( integer )
> else
> if Result < 0 then
> Result := -Result; <---- Overflow
> end;
> var
> tmpRef: TIB_NodeRef;
> ===========================
> InvalidNodeList is declared as -MaxInt = -2147483647 , however
> Low(Integer) = -2147483648 and their exists no 2147483648, thus
> Results := -Result; Overflows.
> I just replaced
> Result := low( integer );
> by
> Result := -high( integer );
> and pesky Integer OverFlow Messages disappeared.
> Best Regards
> Hans
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