Subject Re: [IBO] New options for IBO.
Author Jason Wharton
For now I support two of those. The middle one doesn't make sense to me. Can
someone convince me otherwise?

If you want upWhereAll behavior, flip CachedUpdates to true (this includes
when using MIDAS) and for normal stuff upWhereKeyOnly is sufficient.

If you want something more fancy, then you have to control it yourself.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paulo Henrique Albanez" <pha@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: [IBO] New options for IBO.

> Jason, I would like to know if is possible includes these property in IBO.
> type TUpdateMode = (upWhereAll, upWhereChanged, upWhereKeyOnly);
> Value - Meaning
> upWhereAll - All columns (fields) are used to locate the record.
> upWhereChanged - Only key field values and the original value of fields
that have changed are used to find the record.
> upWhereKeyOnly - Only key fields are used to find the record.
> To have a larger control, when IBO generates EditSQL.
> It would like to use upWhereChanged mode, to avoid the use of the property
PessimisticLocking, because this calls Before/After Updates Triggres.
> IB_TransUpdate: TIB_Transaction
> When this was informed, it would be used in the internal component
TIB_UpdateSQL, isolating the update transaction of the navigation
> This property together with CacheUpdates, it would solve several problems,
like Refesh in the tables, when executes a CommitRetaining.
> TClientDataSet with DBExpress, they use this concept.
> Regards
> Nova Odessa / SP - Brazil