Subject | Re: [IBO] getting started |
Author | ed graff |
Post date | 2002-01-27T04:31:19Z |
"Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)" <helebor@...> wrote in message
(for the connection object) blank Server, Path and Database properties.
Please confirm this. yes this ic right.
Saved password is the only property other than password.
change it. If you are connecting to a remote server, change the code for
the Protocol property to 'cpTCP_IP' instead of 'cpLocal' and change the code
for the Server property to be the name of your server (as identified on your
machine in HOSTS file) instead of an empty string.
when I try the server as the server computer which is [kids] I get
unavailble databse
when I set it to local i get cannot attach ot passord database.
Still i havent been able to use the demo. sorry, but i did use the
employee.gdb that comes with firebird and i can connect to that which is on
the server just dont know how to change the information ie: like change or
add employees for example
thanks again for trying we will get it eventually..
with data. After you close the app and return to the IDE, you should see
the appropriate properties for connecting have been written in for you.
update the code to reflect any variations you made in demo 1); otherwise it
will use the inherited behaviour and create the database before connecting
to it. When you open the project, press Ctrl-F12 and bring all of the
project units up into your IDE. Inspect the code to see what's going on.
whether it is necessary to explain how to set up the password options.
> At 10:20 PM 24-01-02 -0600, ed graff wrote:demos
> >This is the problem i have delphi ver 3 standard and when i try the
> >none of them workcannot
> >ie: tutorial #1 database unavailable;
> >tutorial #2 database unavailable; when i have ibserver running i get
> >attach password to database;at this live for you. However, starting with Tutorial 1, you should see
> >tutaorial #3 cannot attach paswword to database;
> OK, I don't have Delphi 3 or IBO 3 installed on my system, so I can't look
(for the connection object) blank Server, Path and Database properties.
Please confirm this. yes this ic right.
>instead a property RememberPassword? Please answer this.
> Do you see a property PasswordStorage on this component? or is there
Saved password is the only property other than password.
>TFormTutorial1. If the SYSDBA password doesn't match those for your server,
> Inspect the code in the FormCreate and InitializeConnection methods of
change it. If you are connecting to a remote server, change the code for
the Protocol property to 'cpTCP_IP' instead of 'cpLocal' and change the code
for the Server property to be the name of your server (as identified on your
machine in HOSTS file) instead of an empty string.
when I try the server as the server computer which is [kids] I get
unavailble databse
when I set it to local i get cannot attach ot passord database.
Still i havent been able to use the demo. sorry, but i did use the
employee.gdb that comes with firebird and i can connect to that which is on
the server just dont know how to change the information ie: like change or
add employees for example
thanks again for trying we will get it eventually..
>project in the IDE and it will create the database for you, and populate it
> Once the initial code is correct for this demo, you will simply run the
with data. After you close the app and return to the IDE, you should see
the appropriate properties for connecting have been written in for you.
>created the database in demo 1, then demo 2 will connect to it (provided you
> That's all that first demo does.
> The main form on the second demo inherits from the first. If you already
update the code to reflect any variations you made in demo 1); otherwise it
will use the inherited behaviour and create the database before connecting
to it. When you open the project, press Ctrl-F12 and bring all of the
project units up into your IDE. Inspect the code to see what's going on.
>to another. Just provide answers to those two questions and then I'll know
> That will probably do, to get you going through the demos. One demo adds
whether it is necessary to explain how to set up the password options.
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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