Re: [IBO] Quick Refresher on bit logical arithmetic
Luiz Alves
Post date
----- Original Message -----
From: <lester@...>
> I have a table which stores profiles for meetings. They can
> occure weekly, or every third week of the month etc.
> and I have a MEETINGREPEAT integer value that stores bit
> flags for the weeks of the month, and also the day of the
> week. That is all processed nicely onto the user interface,
> with a pop-up to select the week combinations ( and a second
> with 12 month flags as some meetings take a break one or two
> months of the year.
> The problem! I now need to select all the records that apply
> to, say, a third wednesday. I think I am right is saying I
> can't do this in SQL, so I need a UDF that will return a 1
> or 0 when the bit flags match the combination I want.
> Is that the case, or is there some other way that I am
> missing?
To do this task on server, I think you would have to use UDF.
You could treat it in code on Client App, if the amount of data to bring
from server is not a lot.