Subject Re: [IBO] Rights problem
Author Don Gollahon
Excellent! It works now.

Thank you very much!

"Geoff Worboys (TeamIBO)" <geoff@...> wrote in message
> > It appears that the orderingitems, etc, only allow ordering on
> > single fields. I wantd to order by multiple fields in one case so
> > that's why I use the SQLOrder.
> Indeed you can define multiple fields. You may not be able to use the
> create dialog, but then I have only ever used that dialog when
> checking up on problems with it reported on this list. Example:
> OrderingItems:
> Note that the fields before the ';' are the ascending sort, after the
> ';' are the descending sort. You dont have to provide descending sort
> if you dont need it. You dont need the ' ASC' spec on the ascending
> sort definition since that is the default anyway (I was just being
> explicit).
> OrderingLinks:
> Placing both fields in the OrderingLinks pointing to the same
> OrderingItems allows either column to be clicked on in IB_Grid and
> cause the same order to be selected.
> > Anyway, my "insert" problem results in the following monitor output.
> > There is an insert in there for some reason but I have no idea where
> > it is coming from. It doesn't happen with the sysdba login. All I
> > did was chose to change the sort order by selecting a different
> > option from the sort combobox. All that does is close the table,
> > change the Sqlorder, and open the table. The error occurs on the
> > line of code that closes of the table:
> IBO prepares any explicitly defined InsertSQL when it prepares the
> normal SQL. If you let IBO declare its own InsertSQL and EditSQL then
> it will only prepare those statements if/when required. IB/FB will
> reject the prepare of InsertSQL/EditSQL/DeleteSQL if there is no
> permission (it wont wait for an actual insert/edit/delete to be
> attempted).
> If you MUST have your own InsertSQL (presumably to support some
> complex query or procedure or something) then you will have to build
> in your own detection for whether the user is allowed to insert or not
> and not set InsertSQL and set PreventInserting=true.
> hth
> --
> Geoff Worboys - TeamIBO
> Telesis Computing
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