Subject Re: [IBO] tib_grid display on query rerun
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
""Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"" <helebor@...> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> At 10:28 PM 17-01-02 +0100, Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
> >>
> >> No, do NOT call Prepare in the OnPrepareSQL event. It is already in the
> >> process of being prepared at that point.
> >
> >Hmm, I've this out of the IBO GSG ?!?!
> >
> Thomas, I think you must have a very old GSG. That error was there at one
time but was removed long ago.

Yes, definitely (someone from early 2001). Thanks for the link and apologies
to Stan and Jason for posting such a dumb answer ;-).
