Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Instant setback
Author Helen Borrie

I'm puzzled as to what you are doing. Just for a reality check, I did the following:

1. Opened the Tutorial1.dpr
2. Clicked on the Connection component and changed its PasswordStorage property to psNotSecure
3. Entered c:\Program Files\Firebird\Samples\employee.gdb in the Path property
4. Left the Protocol as cpLocal
5. Entered SYSDBA in the Username property
6. Entered masterkey in the Password property
7. Ran it.
8. Clicked on the Connect ( + ) button. It connected without errors.
9. Clicked on the Disconnect ( - ) button. It disconnected without errors.

Next, I copied employee.gdb to drive e:\FooledYa and renamed it to murphy.gdb.

Went back to Tutorial1 and changed the Path property to e:\FooledYa\murphy.gdb

Ran it and repeated all of the above. No problems.

Any comments on the procedure described above?


At 10:38 AM 06-01-02 +0200, Peter Lawson wrote:
>At 17:18 04-01-2002 +0000, Lester wrote:
>>If you look at the IB_Connection and re-enter the password,
>>everthing will work.
>Sorry, Lester, I don't understand this. The password is being 're-entered',
>albeit programmatically.
>>Additional security now ensures that
>>the password is not saved 'automatically' in the released
>>program. I have got an older verison up at present , so I
>>cant give you the right property, but there is a new one to
>>select HOW the password is encripted.
>and Helen wrote:
>>You overlooked the changes to login security in TIB_Connection and the
>>database components. Please read about the PasswordStorage property (in
>>the Component Help or search for it in the online FAQ). To simulate the
>>old default behaviour when username and password are supplied by the
>>application, change the setting to psNotSecure.
>Thanks Helen (and Lester). As I suspected, my assumption was ridiculous.
>:>) Perhaps I may be allowed to observe very gently that there might be
>merit in putting some reference to this in the tutorial. OK, I understand
>that keeping Help Files, Tutorials and Samples up-to-date with enhancements
>is tedious, to put it mildly.
>But the bad news is that, even if I change the setting to psNotSecure, I
>still cannot connect to any database other than the one created by the
>tutorial:>( Tried it with IB 6.01 instead of FB - same result.
>Peter Lawson
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