Subject Re: [IBO] Rollback
Author Jason Wharton
Sounds like a great idea to turn that off. I'll add it as a session level

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: <hans@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Rollback

> Thank U again, Jason.
> I'll wait till next Sub/Release, else I'll be chasing my own tail :)
> One question, if you don't mind.
> Done some testing and found a 20% speed improvent by eliminating
> all the "TOKEN" and RESERVED WORDS checks and fixes in IB_PARSE.
> Just three/four additional IF's required. I know it will be my
> risk, if I trap myself on a keyword or a "SPACE FIELD" column or such.
> However with a little bit of planning one should be able to avoid
> the RESERVED WORDS in the Database and gain 20% speed improvement
> by setting a global flag "MYRISK" somewhere on the Connection which
> can be picked up in IB_PARSE.
> Just a thought. What do you think ?
> Best Regards
> Hans