Subject Re: [IBO] Replacing theGrid's Inplace Editor
Author Geoff Worboys
> In a TIB_GRID I have date fields now edited using
> IBO's inplace editor. I want to use a custom editor
> for these fields. Is there an example somewhere
> which I could learn from? If so where?

The VCL TCustomGrid (on which TIB_Grid is based) does not make it easy
to directly replace the inplaceeditor. What you need to do is create
a control that can be dropped onto the grid for editing a particular
column. You choices are...

1. Use or derive from TIB_ComboBox or TIB_LookupCombo, which are
already setup to support being dropped onto IB_Grid.

2. Use or derive from my Enhanced Components - including TIB_EditEnh,
TIB_ComboBox etc - which are already setup to support being dropped
onto IB_Grid.

3. Create your own control - and add the IIB_GridWinControl interface,
see the IB_ControlInterface.pas unit for the interface definition.

If you choose to go with option 3 you can use TIB_ComboBox or
TIB_LookupCombo (or my Enhanced Components) to discover how to
implement the interface required. Or you can ask back here for
explanations, which I can hopefully provide since I wrote the
interface definition :-)


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing