Subject RE: [IBO] Grid display in IBO4
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa
Solved it. The IBO4 forced me to use UpdateSQL, because it couldn't make
live dataset. And there I had to check Sync AfterInsert.
(BTW, there is a typo, Sync After Edit is 3 words and Sync AfterInsert 2

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

> In grid I don't show ACCID, and show ACCOUNTNO.
> When I insert new records, in AfterInsert() I set ACCID=3. In
> form I have LookupCombo where I can change account.
> If I do it, then the account number appears in the grid. If I
> just press Insert and Post, then the grids ACCOUNTNO field is
> empty, but ACCID field in form shows correct value. If I
> press RefreshAll button, then the grid starts to show the
> missing values. What am I missing here? Should i force a
> refresh after insert?
> Riho-Rene Ellermaa
> senior programmer
> Hansabank