Subject New to IBObjects.
Author delphiman
Thanks Lester Caine and Helen Borrie! I appreciate your time and interest.

>One has to ask why you are trying to do that anyway?

This is my first attempt at using IBO. And I imagine that one needs one's projects to be able to connect/disconnect from one's DataBase/Tables at will. Added to which - with the use of TPageControls and several Tabs (on practically the same GUI - from a user point-of-view) I can readily move from one Table in the DataBase to the next. Having hooked each to an IB_Grid and IB_NavigationBar.

Is this the wrong way to go?
Is there something I am missing?

In fact I am using a modification of the Tutorial 1 model in Tutorials/Basic Tutorials/ which came with my download of IBO - to get to grips with this. Whilst and in fact the model works on the basis that one does not yet have a DataBase - and has

FDBPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'TUTORIAL.GDB';
scrMain.SQL.Insert(0, 'CREATE DATABASE ' + '''' + FDBPath + '''');

......which is not suitable for my purposes - and so I have made appropriate changes as below

FDBPath := 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb';
scrMain.SQL.Insert(0, 'CONNECT ' + '''' + FDBPath + '''');

>Just double click on the TIB_Connection component.
>This will allow you to check ( and select ) DataBaseName which should
>be 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb'

Wow! Thanks for that GUI! Which I (as a total greeh-horn - having dived into Tutorial 1) had no idea it even existed.

>, and then username and password.
This is what I expect it to be - being "SYSDBA" and "masterkey".

Then you can connect. ( The second icon with the + sign )
Lovely! I can connect to (and disconnecting from) the dataBase in this manner.

But here I stop winning. Because when I run my Project I am still left with the same problem.

Which (since I am using IBO4) seems to leave me with ..
>IBO4 has some extra bits on password to prevent them being save in a visible format.
What would this be?

>This can also cause problems if you are not used to it.
What would these "problems" be - and how to I overcome them?

Thanks in advance for any further useful comments.

>Scripts are not used for connecting to the database - they are run from an active connection to the server >and are used for creating metadata (DDL scripts) or performing batch operations on a database (DML >scripts).

As stated above - I am working from Tutorial 1 model in Tutorials/Basic Tutorials which makes use of scripts and accordingly theTIB_Script Object.

Here is some code for opening your database connection in FormCreate ...
procedure TfrmMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
with cnMain do
Path := 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb';
Server := 'LOCALHOST';
\\ Protocol := cpTCP_IP; \\ Won't work in my case - unless I remark it out! What am I missing?
Username := 'SYSDBA';
Password := 'masterkey'; // NOT RECOMMENDED
if not Connected then
{ open any datasets you want open at FormCreate}

Thanks for that Helen! This works perfectly.

However is vastly different to the code in Tutorial 1 - which (for your convenience) is as follows
// FDBPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'TUTORIAL.GDB';
FDBPath := 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb'; // My replacement for the above
// scrMain.SQL.Insert(0, 'CREATE DATABASE ' + '''' + FDBPath + '''');
scrMain.SQL.Insert(0, 'CONNECT ' + '''' + FDBPath + ''''); // My replacement for the above
scrMain.SQL.Insert(1, 'USER ' + '''' + 'SYSDBA' + '''');
scrMain.SQL.Insert(2, 'PASSWORD ' + '''' + 'masterkey' + '''' + ';');
FOriginalCaption := Caption;
ShowHint := True;
with pagMain do ActivePage := FindNextPage(nil, True, True);
InitializeConnection; // Defines the Connection settings.
InitializeTransaction; // Defines the Transaction's behaviour.
InitializeConnectionBar; // Defines the behaviour of the ConnectionBar.

And upon attempting to use your code I find myself getting into in all sorts of hot water.

Which is a bit of a shame as I would have liked to use Tutorial 1 (with some necessary modifications) for lecturing purposes for students whom I shall be (almost) compelling to circumvent the BDE - by using Interbase and IBObjects.

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----- Original Message -----
From: lester@...
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] I am new to IBObjects

> Using SYSDBA and "masterkey" I am able to successfully access c:/h/IBOTables/Family.gdb via the Interbase InteractiveSQL. Interface
> Can anyone please throw some light upon why I nevertheless get a "Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your administrator ....etc.etc" exception when I use the following procedure in FormCreate as follows?

> procedure TfrmMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> FDBPath := 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb';
> scrMain.SQL.Insert(0, 'CONNECT ' + '''' + FDBPath + '''');
> scrMain.SQL.Insert(1, 'USER ' + '''' + 'SYSDBA' + '''');
> scrMain.SQL.Insert(2, 'PASSWORD ' + '''' + 'masterkey' + '''' + ';');

One has to ask why you are trying to do that anyway?

> For what it's worth the form has the following IBObjects:
> A TIB_Connection with the following Properties
> Name set to cnMain
> AliasName set to IBLocal
> PassWord set to masterkey
> SysDBA set to SYSDBA
> User Name set to SYSDBA
> DataBaseName set to Family.

Just double click on the TIB_Connection component. This will
allow you to check ( and select ) DataBaseName which should
be 'c:\h\IBOTables\Family.gdb', and then username and
password. Then you can connect. ( The second icon with the +
sign )

FormCreate would then have TIB_Connection->Open to make it

Are you trying IBO3 or IBO4. IBO4 has some extra bits on
password to prevent them being save in a visible format.
This can also cause problems if you are not used to it.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services

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