Subject Re: [IBO] Grants for users added using the IB_UtilityBar
Author Artur Anjos
Use SQL Roles.

----- Original Message -----
From: gsbrown@...
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: [IBO] Grants for users added using the IB_UtilityBar

I am using the IB_UtilityBar to add users. It adds the user to the
database fine but when I log in as that user it says I do not have
permissions on any of the tables. Is there some way to grant those
permissions to the new user from within IB? Do I have to create a SQL
statement to grant those privilages? If so how do I get the user's
name from the frmUsers.edAccount.text?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Gerald S. Brown

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